He feels totally committed to the melody

and is a true romantic of the 21st century!


George Kachinsky was born on March 4, 1986 in Georgia. He spent his childhood in Hungary, together with his family, parents and brother. Since childhood he was attracted to the arts. He listened to classical music with great passion, especially masterpieces of the opera genre.

A Composer and Pianist

the tour

Concerts listed below may have been modified due to ongoing restrictions

George Kachinsky composer in residence

George Kachinsky composer in residence

Music is my greatest passion

– George Kachinsky

Music Videos

george-kachinsky-Concert for Violin and Orchestra
Play Video about george-kachinsky-Concert for Violin and Orchestra

Trio "Amadeus" für Flöte, Cello und Klavier

George Kachinsky

Play Video

"Wiener Walzer" quicktime

George Kachinsky

George Kachinsky - Slawische Bilder
Play Video about George Kachinsky - Slawische Bilder


George Kachinsky